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Hi, I am Olivia. Welcome to my website.

I am a mind-body therapist and my holistic healing tools are bowen therapy, rebirthing breathwork and meditation.

I am very passionate about helping people open up to their ideal life by releasing physical pain and by reclaiming themselves back with these very gentle and powerful therapies.
All of these therapies create positive ripples through all areas of your life.

Have a look around and feel free to connect with me by text or mobile call.

I am here to help you!


Stress management | Emotional Tension | Anxiety | Grief | Trauma | Shock | Bereavement | Depression | Back pain & Sciatica | Ankles sprains | Plantar fasciitis | Sports injuries | Adrenal exhaustion | Chronic Fatigue, Addisons Disease | Neck & shoulder pain and restrictions | Headaches & Migraines | Digestive disorders | Asthma, immune & respiratory | Impact trauma | Speech disorders - Verbal Dyspraxia | Frozen shoulders | Knees and hips problem | Scoliosis | Kyphosis | Infertility | Pain/discomfort during pregnancy | Hormonal unbalance | Arthritis | Ovarian cysts | Fibroma | Bed wetting | Spasms | Kidney problems | Digestive tract disorders | Negative thinking & stress | Decision making | Life direction & stages | Stress management | Emotional Tension | Anxiety | Grief | Trauma | Shock | Bereavement | Depression | Back pain & Sciatica | Ankles sprains | Plantar fasciitis | Sports injuries | Adrenal exhaustion | Chronic Fatigue, Addisons Disease | Neck & shoulder pain and restrictions | Headaches & Migraines | Digestive disorders | Asthma, immune & respiratory | Impact trauma | Speech disorders - Verbal Dyspraxia | Frozen shoulders | Knees and hips problem | Scoliosis | Kyphosis | Infertility | Pain/discomfort during pregnancy | Hormonal unbalance | Arthritis | Ovarian cysts | Fibroma | Bed wetting | Spasms | Kidney problems | Digestive tract disorders | Negative thinking & stress | Decision making | Life direction & stages |

Happy Family Image - Mssion Section

My mission is to offer holistic treatments with a customer-heart-centric approach. The 16 years of bodywork gave me the necessary experience and commitment to the full recovery of my clients with the use of several effective tools & practices.

I facilitate bowen therapy, rebirthing sessions and teach meditation to people who want to live pain-free and improve their quality of life physically, emotionally and mentally.

I successfully apply a holistic assessment method with my Bowen Technique.

Bowen Therapy
Bowen is a bodywork technique that helps me to find the source of your pain and to release it in a lasting way .
From simple relaxation techniques and breath meditation to discovering deeper aspects of yourself and the truth about your nature, I am here to help you!
Rebirthing Breathwork
Discover the power of conscious connected breath to create healing and empowerment.
Happy Old Couple

Along the years I’ve had the joy the observe my client's life improving and opening up as their wellbeing improves and the meridians energy starts to flow better.

When they find inner balance and harmony,  this also starts to express in their outer reality, in their life.

Happy Women Benefits Section
Due to my large pool of knowledge, I combine the physical & emotional factors for my approach, and solving the core of the problem leads to efficient & long-lasting results for my clients.
Heart-Centered Approach
The quality of my services is represented by my compassion for my client’s problems and open communication. I take my time to assess and discuss all the factors regarding their wellbeing.
Improved Quality of Life
We live in a world where stress and anxiety thrive due to our circumstances. I am committed to improving my clients' lives by deeply releasing trauma and blocked emotions through my techniques and intuition.
I believe that the body keeps the score & has the power to reset it. I help people to open up their hearts and embrace relaxation, clarity, stillness, and harmony. Resetting the body helps us to be open to life & and therefore to change our lives, bringing more balance and well-being.
I believe everyone has the right to live a pain-free life, and a life free of "emotional drama" and I am working towards helping my clients to achieve that through my therapeutic experience, intuition, empathy, and connection.
My techniques allow me to help my clients in an all-rounded efficient & holistic way.
Happy and Healthy Old People

"My session with Olivia felt really nourishing to my heart. The breathwork helped to bring up old unresolved grief, and she held the space for me beautifully as I was processing my emotions. She guided me gently in my journey of shifting my beliefs and repatterning my thoughts. I felt a great deal of care and motherly love from Olivia, very safe and supportive whilst being highly professional. Thank you once again" Mihai


Olivia has been my meditation support since back in early 2020, when I first started my journey of learning how to meditate. In a world of numerous forms and practices (and noise!), Olivia showed me the authentic way of the path and exemplified what good form truly is.

Olivia is the real deal, with her guidance I’ve seen rapid and tangible results. Sitting at a totally new perspective and a beautiful experience of life, I cannot thank her enough for this life transforming experience

Bowen Therapy

Toddler anger, stomach issues, disturbed sleep, breathing difficulty.
I came to Olivia with my 16 month old son because he has always struggled with stomach issues (lots of pain and loose, acrid poos) and sleep issues - either being wide awake for hours in the night or being stuck in semi-consciousness and suffering with night terrors. I had Bowen therapy from Olivia years ago, so I knew how powerful the method is. I was amazed with how calm my son was during the session and Olivia patience and kindness towards him made it a relaxing and lovely experience for us all.

The day after his first session, his poo was solid and he didn’t show any signs of stomach pain or discomfort when he had a bowel movement. The two following nights were really tricky - he was releasing a lot of anger and distress, but following that he slept through 3 nights in a row for the first time in his life. He has had a couple of waking moments during the nights following. however he’s cried out once or twice then settled immediately. He’s happier during the day and more “himself” rather than an angry & frustrated, sleep deprived, Stomach ache little person. I’m so relieved to see his relief , to have him smile, be playful but most importantly for us all to have sleep at last!!I cannot thank Olivia enough.

Open up to your ideal life through balancing your body & mind.

Pregnant Woman

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