Hi, I am Olivia, I am a certified bowen therapist, rebirthing breathwork facilitator, and meditation mentor.
Olivia Joya Image
Hi, welcome!

I believe everyone has the right to live a pain-free life, and a life free from "emotional drama" and I am working towards helping my clients to achieve that through my therapeutic experience, intuition, empathy, and connection.

My techniques allow me to help my clients in an all-rounded efficient & holistic way.

I am a Bowen Practitioner (Bowtech, Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia since 2015 and Importance of Symmetry (iOS) since 2018 ) because I truly love it and because I have seen time and again people releasing all kinds of pains, traumas, stress and other unbalances, in a lasting way!

In June 2019 I upgraded my skills with iOS (the importance of symmetry) and that has taken my practice to a much deeper and much more efficient and targeted level!

I am an experienced meditator, that has a long (since 2006) and heartfelt background in Bodywork, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Reiki, Reflexology, Yoga and Meditation.

In 2022 I discovered Rebirthing breathwork.
I felt deeply inspired to help others resolve triggers and other emotional unhelpful patterns with this gentle connected breathing technique, since
it has had a massive impact in my
own life.

My Values Image
The act of giving. I value and focus on my relationship with my clients. My human-centered holistic approach, empathy, and intuition allow me to dig deeper into the problems and solve them at the root. I have the willingness and ability to bring symmetry to the body, a process that has lasting effects.
My calm presence helps my clients to relax and feel welcomed. Friendliness, generosity, and active listening are characteristics embodied in my everyday practice. I place high importance on forming and maintaining relationships with my clients in order to fully understand the context and successfully help them live a better life. My passion for my work gives me the drive to stay attentively involved in the process of full recovery of my clients.
Honest, ethical, and accurate. I value integrity and my clients can rely on my word. Through transparency and open communication, I gained the trust of the many people I helped. I am unwavering when it comes to applying my values and I undoubtedly keep all the promises that I make to my customers. I hold the highest interest and recovery of my clients as a main priority & purpose.
I am focused on achieving the agreed-upon end goal in the right way and in the right time, at the client’s pace. I show unwavering dedication to living up to the promise of effectively helping people get better from their condition. I am attentive and dedicated to the well-being of my clients.
Happy Woman My Vision Section

My vision is to create a big impact in as many people’s lives as possible by helping them to release trauma, relax, and be pain-free in a long-lasting way.


I believe strongly that by giving the body what it needs, the body has its own inner abilities to regenerate and be in its utmost healthy balanced state, physical, emotional and mental. My wealth of tools, life and therapeutic experience, intuition, empathy and connection ability allow me to help my clients in an all rounded holistic way.

I believe that each person is unique and this is reflected in my sessions, in which each patient, regardless of their background or culture is treated with kindness, respect, joy, warmth and according to their specific individuals needs.

Gut Reset

Hi, I have finished my 21 days Purify journey one month ago. I started the program because I had a long-term problem with my digestive system, I felt low on energy and I wanted to eat a healthier diet. After a few days of struggling with headaches and generally being very weak I started to feel better, my digestive problems started to clear, my energy level increased. I started to drink milk kefir every day with my breakfast (I am still drinking one glass daily). After finishing the 21 days I started to drink milk again but try to avoid sugar and white flour. All the benefits of Purify eating stayed and I have lost 4 kg (It wasn't my goal). It is very good to know I am on a road to a healthier life.

Shoulder pain and restricted movement, back pain, menopause,

I have had very strong shoulder pain since 7 years and backpain since 1 month. I could lift my arms only for shoulder height. I slept restless because of the strong pain and woke up during the night often. I needed to take strong painkillers so I could work. After the treatment I was full of energy,

I could lift my arms to my head 80%, my shoulder pain was reduced from level 8-9 to level 3. I am 49 years old but I felt like 70 when I arrived for the session with Olivia. Olivia was very professional and I have got a lot of useful advice for other small health problems. The treatment itself was very fantastic and relaxing. When I left I felt like a 35 years old The treatment was 9 days ago and since then I slept very well every night without pain and I didn’t take any painkillers.

Thank you Olivia!
I will recommend Bowen Therapy and Olivia to all of my friends and family!
-Timea Racz

Emotional Distress

Olivia is an amazing therapist. I have received a warm welcome in a space and have had the process explained to me.

I felt very comfortable and the effects of the therapy were visible after only few days. I felt relaxed and more settled it myself. I would recommend it to everyone.

Thank you so much Olivia -Martyna Kozanecka

Open up to your ideal life through balancing your body & mind.

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